What is Design Build?

Design Build is an integrated approach where the design services (typically performed by an architect), and the build services (provided by a general contractor), are combined into one design-build team.

What are some of the advantages of Design Build?

1. Cost Management. In design build, one entity is accountable for everything –the functionality and design of your home, the cost of construction, and the timeline for completion. When we design and build the project, we give more attention to pricing and scheduling in the design phase than a traditional architect.  We consider the cost of everything early in the process: all fees, materials and labor costs, utilities, landscaping and everything. As a general contractor, I am very knowledgeable of the costs of building any given idea.  Many clients have come to me and said “My architect said this could be built for x” and then I have the unhappy task of telling them that their project is going to cost 1.5x or 2x more than the architect’s estimate. At that point people may have already invested a great deal  financially and emotionally in a concept that they won’t be able to realize. By having a general contractor involved from the beginning of the design-build process, you have a much greater chance of designing a project that can be built within your budget.  Additionally, with real time input about costs, you make informed decisions through-out the design process as you weigh various design options for your building.

2. Efficiency. A design-build firm is involved from start to finish, which adds an inherent efficiency. Having designed a project both in my head and on paper, building in three-D is an easy transition.  This efficiency can translate into cost savings: the Design Build Institute of America, in reviewing hundreds of projects both residential and commercial, found average savings of 10% on total project costs for design-build projects.

3. A Faster Process. The design build process allows you to begin building sooner.  The traditional system requires the architect to design the complete project, obtain permits and then solicit bids from multiple contractors, then the winning contractor must make arrangements with all his or her subcontractors… a process that can add considerable time to the commencement of the project.  By having the general contractor also design the project, all of these steps happen concurrently.

4. Collaboration. Design-build operates under the assumption that the client wants to be an active participant in the design and construction of their home. Rather than dictate to clients “my” vision, I believe the most satisfying and fun results occur when we develop a concept together. I provide construction expertise and a refined eye for details and space utilization, you provide your needs wants and vision: together we will design a space that delight the eye and is within your budget. With a background in the visual arts, I believe that project functionality and aesthetics are as important as the cost.

5. Flexibility. In a traditional architect-designed, fixed-bid project, every single item must be defined a priori. Any changes require a laborious process of revision and change orders. On the other hand, in a design build project, there is more flexibility to respond as new ideas arise.  As a contractor/designer I can help you define your project as we build it.  There are many decisions that go into a project, and the design build process allows you to make some of those decisions later in the process with less fuss.

6. Transparency. As part of the design build process, the clients will be involved with each cost-point decision.  Instead of a single sum “This will cost X”, we provide a breakdown of all the costs, allowing the client to make more informed decisions about the costs and benefits of a particular decision.

7. Value.  While not a licensed architect, my 30 years of hands-on experience in construction allow me to make quality design decisions that also make construction easier and less expensive.  All plans are completed in CAD and a local engineer provides the engineering and engineering stamp the give your plan set the same legal protections as a licensed architect.  Additionally licensed architects typically charge 2 and 3 times my hourly rate. On the construction side, most architects are not builders and can introduce challenges into the build process, we avoid this issue.

8. Sometimes design-build is not the best solution. While there are many advantages to integrating the designing and building stages of creating a home, deck, or other project, there are situations where it is less effective.  If a client is completely unsure of what design sense appeals to them, or if they want the aesthetic and designs decisions all taken care of by someone else. It is also not a recommended approach for clients who can’t make decisions and/or can’t commitment the time required.